6. Meanwhile in the Mediterranean

In the lower latitudes, where the concentration of marine plastic was the highest, the humans responsible for creating these artificial polymers began to raise alarm bells about its occurrence in the marine environment. They initiated scientific investigations and partnered with […]

5. Meanwhile in the village

In the small village, after the disappointing welcome party, everyone couldn’t stop thinking about Copepito’s dad’s words. “My sister has made a shocking discovery,” he had said. “She has seen strange creatures floating in the water, and she found out […]

4. Who are they?

On that day, Clio swam up to one of the Strangers and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Clio! I was born here 2 years ago, and these are my friends Euphisto and Copepito.” Clio gently said. One of the Strangers, Mr. […]

3. Strangers in the house

Clio and her friends were happy to welcome their cousins from the Gulf Stream. They were excited to be reunited with their large family, even though they couldn’t explain how they made it to the cold Arctic. Probably due to […]

2. Changes on the Horizon

Life in the Arctic was following its usual pattern, with the seasons marked by the shift from light to darkness. We find ourselves now in the warm season, where freshwater from melting ice and the predator/prey game can take place. […]

Hello world!

Welcome to the FabulouScience page! This post marks the start of this adventure ๐Ÿ™‚ Stay tuned!